What is Disarm Education?
We are a campaign by educators, parents and students to stop the collaboration of places of education with arms companies and weapons manufacturers. We firmly believe that students and young people should not be exposed to the production of war and violence should not be normalised through education. For more information, see our ‘Campaign’ page.
Who runs Disarm Education?
We are democratic organisation of educators, parents and students. Our members elect a National Steering Committee who work collaboratively with different areas of focus. People can shape the future of Disarm Education by joining the campaign and participating in our General Meetings.
What are the demands?
It is the duty of students, educators, and parents everywhere to resist the normalisation of war machinery in our places of work and education. We call on students, teachers and educators across the UK to:
Uncover ties between places of education and arms companies
Establish agreements in places of education to prohibit or end any partnerships with companies producing arms.
How do I get involved?
We need a mass campaign of educators, students, and parents to end the partnership between arms companies and places of education. To stay up to date on our activities or formally join the campaign, click here. For more information on what you can do in your local area, workplace, or school, click here.
What is a ‘place of education’? Can I get involved if working or studying in higher education?
A ‘place of education’ for the Disarm Education means a school or post-16 institution, like a sixth form college. There are a range of organisations resisting the partnerships of higher education institutions with arms companies, such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. If you need further information, please get in touch via our email.
What about the curriculum?
Disarm Education has a strategic focus on partnerships between places of education and arms companies. This allows us to focus on clear, winnable, and unifying demands. If you’re interested in working on transforming the educational curriculum, Makan is a Palestinian-led transformative education organisation that strengthens voices for Palestinian rights. They provide an array of educational resources on Gaza and Palestine. The Peace Education Network also works to build non-violent curriculums in UK schools.